


Fascinated by the perception of colors and the visual experience par excellence, Wernher Bouwens has developed a practice that unfolds in the fields of painting and publishing, but also in the context of monumental installations. He explores the relationships between transparencies, wefts, wefts, superpositions, movements, vibrations, colors and volumes. He aspires to astonish the spectator by offering him chromatic experiences, independent and surprising by their richness.


A graduate of the Kunstacademie Saint Joost de Brada in the Netherlands, he taught at the Beaux-Arts in Quimper then at Decorative Arts in Paris. His experience of traditional printing techniques and art publishing allows him to consider publishing as an infinite field of possibilities to think about in relation to all kinds of plastic desires. He has initiated several collective editorial projects including the Nomade magazine, the Étincelle art books and the Printjam improvisation project. He exhibits regularly in France and abroad.


Photo credit: © Hugo Aymar